Wedding Bar

November 12, 2020

A wedding bar is an essential part of many wedding receptions. It’s a place where guests can gather and enjoy drinks while celebrating the happy couple’s special day. If you’re planning a wedding, here are some tips to help you plan the perfect wedding bar:

“An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools.”

Ernest Hemingway

A wedding bar is an essential part of many wedding receptions. It’s a place where guests can gather and enjoy drinks while celebrating the happy couple’s special day. If you’re planning a wedding, here are some tips to help you plan the perfect wedding bar:

  1. Determine your budget: As with any aspect of wedding planning, it’s important to start by determining your budget. Figure out how much you’re willing to spend on the bar and drinks, and work from there.
  2. Choose the bar type: Decide whether you want to have an open bar, a cash bar, or a combination of the two. An open bar means that drinks are provided for free to guests, while a cash bar means that guests pay for their own drinks. A combination of the two might be a good compromise if you want to provide some free drinks but also want to keep costs down.
  3. Decide on the drinks: Consider what types of drinks you want to serve. Beer and wine are a popular choice, but you can also offer a full bar with cocktails and non-alcoholic beverages. You might also consider signature drinks that tie into the wedding theme or colors.
  4. Hire a bartender: Unless you plan to bartend the wedding yourself, you’ll need to hire a bartender. Look for someone with experience and the necessary certifications to ensure that they can handle the job.
  5. Choose the bar setup: Decide on the type of bar setup you want. You might opt for a traditional bar with a bartender, or you could go for a self-serve setup with drink dispensers.
  6. Plan the logistics: Determine where you want to place the bar, and make sure it’s easily accessible for guests. You’ll also need to arrange for deliveries of alcohol and equipment, as well as setup and cleanup.
  7. Ensure legal compliance: Depending on your location and the type of event you’re hosting, you may need to obtain permits or licenses to serve alcohol. Make sure that you’re in compliance with all laws and regulations.

In addition to these tips, it’s important to think about the atmosphere you want to create at the wedding bar. Consider adding decorations or personalized touches to make the bar area more festive and welcoming. With careful planning and attention to detail, you can create a wedding bar that will be enjoyed by all of your guests.


Rose Johnson March 27, 2020

Quisque vulputate lorem a nisl faucibus, eu consectetur leo maximus. Nulla facilisis nisi nunc, ac tempor ipsum dapibus non. Curabitur non iaculis dui, eu tempus ipsum. Fusce ut porta urna. In sit amet pharetra ligula. Ut posuere quis elit laoreet efficitur.

Billie James March 27, 2020

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum fermentum ligula ut nisi mattis, ac laoreet odio pulvinar. Vivamus consequat.

Ashley Swift March 27, 2020

Vivamus tincidunt bibendum urna eu auctor. Praesent sit amet tempor nisl. Duis eu enim eleifend, hendrerit dolor ut, tempus diam. Mauris porttitor, purus vel elementum porta, tortor diam vestibulum enim, in viverra metus libero nec mi. Etiam pretium velit.

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